This is us... is one of the online sales platforms of Winch Industry GmbH. We are a leading supplier of technical products for industrial and private use. Our main focus is to provide high quality winches, hoists, power generators, LED vehicle lighting and vehicle parts.
As a company with a strong focus on technical products, we aim to provide our customers with the best products on the market. Due to our high quality standards, we maintain a very close cooperation with all our suppliers - because we believe this is the only way to ensure high product quality. has already been on the market since 2013. We have continuously developed and expanded our product range. We are characterized by a maximum of customer orientation and a wide range of products that are tailored to the different requirements of our customers.
We are proud that our products are appreciated for their high quality, reliability and durability by both private and commercial customers. In addition, we provide our customers with excellent customer support by ensuring that our products are continuously updated to meet the latest requirements. Of course, we also offer an adequate spare parts supply for our products.
As a dynamic and forward-looking company, which is constantly attuned to the needs of its customers and the market, we do everything in our power to expand our product portfolio and offer you the best possible choice of technical products. Our maxim is to satisfy you!
Our customers can rely on finding the best products on the market at We are part of the technical industry and look forward to continuing to provide you with innovative and high quality products combined with excellent customer service.